March 13, 2025

Prestigious Homes of Boca Raton Real Estate office.
Flat Fee MLS Service for the State of Florida

Need Help
Phone 561-392-2450
in South Florida

In Central & North Florida


9 -5 M-F
weekends 9-2pm

might be closed phones sometimes forwarded to home phones

Faxes 561 880 6838
& 561-392-0557

Realtor luxury homes.
We offer limited service Listings for luxury Property's and low end properties too !

Our Name alone is worth the cost of a MLS Listing. SERVICE

Member of the Palm Beach County-Broward- Dade MLS Miami , Orlando MLS Boards PALM BEACH MLS GREATER FT LAUDERDALE MLS.

Prestigious Homes Member of Many MLS Boards in FLorida And a Proud Member of Flat fee realtor Florida State Lic CQ 101 0556 Ready on Notice Consulting Services Inc. DBA/ Prestigious Homes Realty Real Estate of Boca Raton, reduced commissions

voted best flat fee mls in florida

Link exchange

Boca Raton Real Estate Company!!


Ready On Notice Consulting Services DBA: Prestigious Homes Realty Realtor Real Estate listings sales

1251 SW 19th St Boca Raton, FL Phone 561-392-2450

Please in In Central and North Florida Only 561-392-2450

hours we answer phone m-f 9 - 6 weekends sat 9-1pm sun 10-12 certain weekends might be closed phones sometimes forwarded to home phones

fax 561 880 6838 561-392-0557 Realtor

"IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Learn about how" works
"See example"
and how we do it. And how we direct calls to you !


NEED HELP CALL   561 392 2450

NOTE: Please In Central and North Florida Only 1-800 940 0617









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Palm Beach county flat fee mls Boca Raton Flat fee MlS Boynton Beach MLS Delray Beach West palm beach Wellington Royal Palm Flat Fee Realtor MLS,WPB, Dade, miami, FT Lauderdale, Orlando, Tampa, and more Flat fee MLS Realtor Fort lauderdale Flat fee MLS Realtor Miami dade Miami flat fee MLS Multiple listing service Flat Fee Realtor Orlando MLS Orange Multiple listing service Orange County MLS Osceola County Lake Seminole Polk Pasco Port Saint Lucie West Volusia Hillsborough Tampa Tampa MLS Jacksonville MLS Duvall Clay Putnam MLS Flat fee MLS Boards Duval Clay Putnam

Prestigious Homes realty of Boca Raton

No hidden Costs Boca Raton Flat Fee MLS
Located in Boca - Delray Beach Florida
we have done 100's of listings in the MLS Delray Beach and Palm Beach County
We are also a member of the correct boards. The Regional MLS - Exchange for Boca -Delray Beach and Palm Beach County,
So, Your MLS Listing will Always show correct in the MLS !

located in boca raton

Customer TestimonialS hear 3 stories and Information on Service
( 3 min movie testimonials)

Prestigious Homes Billboard

To see our video please install flash!

Also See - The Sold Properties, that were sold through Prestigious Homes Realty's Limited Service MLS Listing Program

Prestigious Homes Realty of Boca Raton Full Service and Multiple listing Limited Service Program in the MLS for luxury properties and lower end properties too.


Selling a property through our limited Service Program (flat fee MLS) with a $300,000 purchase price as an example and offering 2.5% percent to a Selling Real Estate Agent would cost $7,500.
SAVING YOU the " Seller "$10,500 !!!

Our Sellers Limited Service Web Site - Discount Flat Fee MLS Listing Programs in FLorida

Don't get conned ! 100% lead protection from the MLS and and the Internet always. powers dozens of sites
like the image below shows !! sites poers by and the MLS

Learn About and how it works with the MLS and Why our Company gives you 100% Lead Protection
Click to understand and all its features

Our Name alone is worth the cost of a MLS Listing SERVICE
That is Why our Listings Sell Faster than any other Companies you might find on the internet.

WE are #1 in Limited Service Listings.


"See coverage areas"


Read how our Service Works
"Click Here" To Learn How we put property in the MLS and how it Works

Our Name alone is worth the cost of a MLS Listing SERVICE

These are the Counties We Cover

(Back to top)

Plan 1

Full list of Features

$299 Our Best Deal
Has the Most success
in sales !
We are one of only a few companies that list our sold homes on our web site
( see top Right corner of page)

Your contact Info and phone # in the MLS
The MLS & National exposure !
With all the options $299.00 ($500.00 deal for $299.00 wow !!!)

With all the Options ! Over 25 extra Features
powers Dozens of web sites POWERS Dozens of web sites like AOL, MSN, EXCITE and many more !

See the
"Full List of Features"
link below


Counties Covered
(see above table or on the left side )

Plan 2

$199 Basic Flat Fee MLS Listing
and powers Dozens of web sites, and with our membership in your property will be seen in aol, msn, excite and many more

Your contact Info and phone # in the MLS

2 photos 3 changes

and more

See the
"Full List of Features"
link below



Counties Covered
(see drop down table above)

Plan 3

Basic MLS Listing $159.99 -
no additional options
Your home in the MLS and for 6 months.
Your contact Info and phone # in the MLS
This plan Best used for
(yes, this program is for homes too)

Note: does not come with our Membership on this order !Miami to Central Florida Your phone number will always be in your MLS

1 photo 1 change

See the
"Full List of Features"
link below


Counties Covered
(see drop down table above)


(Back to top)

Special Needs and Orders?

We also list in the ( MLS) Multiple Listing service
Lots, Multi Family,Commercial Property
Volume discounts

call 561 3922450.

We List FLat Fee MLS Lots We List FLat Fee MLS Multi Family

We List FLat Fee MLS Commercial Property.

We have the special forms available for the above particular MLS listings call for these special forms

561 392 2450


We offer bulk Discounts !!

Need Help
Phone 561-392-2450 Please in South FLorida

In Central and North Florida Only
hours we answer phone m-f 9 - 6 weekends sat 9-1pm
sun 10-12 certain weekends

Sundays might be closed, but phones sometimes forwarded to home phones

Faxes 561 880 6838
& 561-392-0557
"See example"


For Sale- Buy homes let us help, We rebate 50% of the commission to you!!


See Properties that Sold with Us


See our special "For sale Sign"

flat fee mls florida


We Help you sell fast !!!

Prestigious Homes Realty flat fee mls testimonial and slide show.

Sellers and Buyers : We OFFER

Reduced Commissions !, Creative Marketing, Beautiful homes, Virtual tours, Big Ads, Open houses , Prestigious Signs, The Internet Returned phone calls, Keeping our appointments, Updating information to our customers,Years of experience

According to the National Association of Realtors, 87 % of homes sold were sold through realtors, using the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Prestigious homes is offering two programs to help you sell you home Prestigious Homes offers two programs at this time to help sell Mid range to high range homes
Renters looking for a place to rent in South Florida click here! discount programs
(from apartments to ocean front homes )

Our Experience
Specializing on prestigious homes, luxury homes

Read how the MLS Service works and how we do it , And how we direct calls to you !
Flat FEE MLS Service - MLS Programs Listed Above..


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Boca Raton Real Estate Home Sales Listings Serving South Florida/ Boca Raton, Parkland, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, Highland Beach

Contact Us

Link exchange, Real Estate link swap , link MLS swap

Home | About Us | Sellers Flat Fee MLS Programs- Listing Programs in FLorida | Buyers | Featured Listings MLS Search | Financing | Title and Closing Fees | FAQ Testimonials | References | Contact Us | Terms of Use



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